reU aftermath: the sentap stories..

sentap? aku rasa bukan the sweetest ciskek from museum jer yg tersentap malam tuh, tapi berlambak2 lagi aftermath stories yg aku dengar.. bagi aku lepas berpuluh tahun tak jumpa, obviously people changed, bukan hanya penampilan tapi juga dari sisi sosial, emosi dan pemikiran.. but does it really matter?

theres a lot of 20 years ago stories that we want to delete and reset.. for some of us, they have tried really hard to overcome it.. and theres also a lot of that nite stories we want to ignore.. but the reality is everybody have their own perspective about it.. maybe some of us want to do it for the sake of throwing a joke to recall the nostalgia, some may sound too cynical to us that we don't take it as a joke.. so its not really depends on who said it but how we take it.. especially how we handle our past.. on the lighter side, people still remember you..

ada dua sebab org buat lawak laser, satu sebab tak suka dan satu lagi sebab terlalu suka.. satu sebab memang nak malukan org dan satu lagi sebab nak tengok kita ketawa gembira.. aku bagi dua contoh..

satu, masa aku make remark kat yati.. aku saja mengusik yati sebab kalo dia buat muka sentap tuh nampak cantik, sama macam muka aku yg aku ingat masa dia kat maktab dulu.. dia nampak comel dgn muncung macam tuh.. hehe.. tapi aku tau dia mmg akan sentap whenever somebody bring up that issue.. aku tau sebab penah jadi partner in crime dia testing satu sample tuh.. sebab tuh aku tak buat loud remark, aku cakap personal dgn dia jer tuh pun aku sebut, "apa dah jadi kat ko nih yati?", padahal yg bercakap pun lagi tak sadar diri.. hehe.. just that aku tak pasan dia tak sihat.. tapi aku tau dia bukan hangin sangat dgn aku.. aku tau dia sayangkan aku.. hehe

dua, aku selalu usik kak mah, before and after but not during the event, sebab malam tuh aku terharu bila one of the legend datang tegur aku.. bukan setakat sapa tapi siap bagi goodie bag lagi (tuh tak terpaksa kan mah? hehe).. kalo dulu aku mmg takut nak tegur kak mah tapi skrg nih aku suka dgn kak mah.. walaupun kak mah nih kuat gosip tapi hati dia baik.. i can tell that by only looking at her redup face.. she's has gone through a lot and i know that she already found herself, just like most of us.. so bila aku sebut pacak tuh, aku mmg saja nak buat kak mah sentap, kalo dia merajuk boleh laa manja2 nak pujuk dia.. tapi aku tau, hati kak mah lebih besar dari sekadar nak marah2 psal tuh.. tuh yg aku sayang dgn kak mah nih.. haha

cuma mmg laa ada slip of the tongue masa event tuh sebab terlalu excited.. lupa bahawa kita nih bukan ditahun 80an lagi.. sama cam nicky marah2 masa first session isap okok kat belakang tuh.. kawan2 yg jauh sanggup wakafkan masa dan tenaga nak datang utk jumpa tapi yg dekat2 saja2 tanak datang.. macam aku cakap kat nicky, let it go and enjoy the moment.. kalau kita pilih untuk sentap maka kita akan rugi sebab lepaskan apa yg kita cari masa kita buat keputusan untuk datang..

most of us in this batch is not merely just a friend but the silaturrahim has evolved to kinda sibling from a very big family.. we went through the most confusing phase of our life together.. there will be another group of reunion but this one is not the same.. with this batch, we learned about the meaning of loyalty, secret and friendship.. with this batch, we set the based foundation of what life is all about.. we may not found ourself yet during those day but when we found it, it will linked back to the memories.. we've done it before..

if it really does matter, let speak it out so that friend can understand.. we may not be closed when we were young but i know that we can achieve that by growing old together.. to me, when one gajah tease another gajah about his funny tummy, its a mutual understanding saying that you have becomes just like me.. but its different when the slim bunny tell the same tales.. so does when we want to go back down the romantic memory lane, we have to realised that we have family and so do theirs.. you can still do it but pls do it with respect of their family and yours.. or else keep it to yourself..

kita hidup atas pilihan kita.. jika kita mahu hidup atas apa yg org lain kata tentang kita maka hidup kita akan ditentukan oleh mereka.. hanya kita yg tahu siapa diri kita.. dan jika kita pilih untuk bersedih dan sakit hati maka kita akan derita sepanjang usia, sebaliknya jika kita memaafkan maka kita akan merasa nikmat syurga lebih awal di dunia.. beri teguran jika jenaka keterlaluan tapi berlapang dada lah jika teguran kita hanya menambah hangat pada jenaka tersebut.. its not about them, its about us and how we handle ourself..


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