Umbra Sangkara : teaser
Dalam dunia yang telah musnah oleh wabak zombi, Mortua, zombi terakhir yang
tersisa, menjadi pusat konflik antara tiga kuasa yang berperang untuk
1 month ago
hadis Umar ra: Diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah bin Umar r.a katanya: Umar telah ditanya: Mengapa anda tidak memohon jawatan Khalifah? Ayahku menjawab: Sekiranya aku meminta untuk menjadi khalifah nescaya orang yang lebih baik dari aku iaitu Abu Bakar telah melakukannya. Tapi jika aku membiarkan urusan pemerintahan ini kepada mu nescaya orang yang lebih baik dari aku iaitu Rasulullah s.a.w telah meninggalkan urusan pemerintahannya kepadamu. Menurut Abdullah lagi: Aku telah mengetahui bahawa Umar tidak meminta untuk menjadi khalifah ketika beliau
menyebut nama Rasulullah s.a.w
Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a: Nabi s.a.w bersabda: Segala urusan pengikut Bani Israel akan diatur oleh para Nabi. Apabila seseorang Nabi itu meninggal dunia, dia akan digantikan oleh seorang Nabi yang lain. Tetapi sesungguhnya tidak akan ada Nabi selepasku. Pada suatu ketika nanti akan muncul Khalifah. Para sahabat bertanya: Apakah yang anda perintahkan kepada kami? Nabi s.a.w menjawab: Patuhilah pelantikan khalifah yang pertama, kemudian yang seterusnya. Penuhilah hak-hak mereka, sesungguhnya Allah akan menanyakan tentang apa yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada mereka
Allah tidak melarang kamu daripada berbuat baik dan berlaku adil kepada orang-orang yang tidak memerangi kamu kerana agama (kamu) dan tidak mengeluarkan kamu dari kampung halaman kamu ; sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berlaku adil. (8.) Sesungguhnya Allah hanyalah melarang kamu daripada menjadikan teman rapat orang-orang yang memerangi kamu kerana agama (kamu) dan mengeluarkan kamu dari kampung halaman kamu, serta membantu (orang lain) untuk mengusir kamu dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang menjadikan mereka teman rapat, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim. (9.) [Surah Al-Mumtahina, ayat 8-9.]
Di antara Khalid bin Al-Walid dan Abdul Rahman bin Auf telah terjadi sesuatu, lalu Khalid mencaci beliau. Mendengar hal itu, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Janganlah kamu mencaci sahabatku walaupun salah seorang dari kamu membelanjakan emas sebesar gunung Uhud sekalipun, dia tidak dapat menandingi salah seorang ataupun separuh dari mereka. (Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim [Dalam Bahasa
Arab sahaja]: 4611)
Rasulullah s.a.w berkata kepadaku semasa baginda sakit: Panggilkan Abu Bakar dan saudara lelakimu untuk ku. Aku ingin menulis sepucuk surat, kerana aku bimbang terhadap orang-orang yang menentang akan berkata: Akulah orang yang paling berhak, sedangkan Allah dan orang mukmin tidak reda melainkan Abu Bakar
"...when we (the Malays) fought against the Malayan Union the others took no part in it because they said this is purely a Malay concern, and not theirs. They also indicate that they owe their loyalty to their countries of origin, and for that reason they oppose the Barnes Report to make Malay the national language. If we were to hand over the Malays to these so-called Malayans when their nationality has not been defined there will be a lot of problems ahead of us." However, he continued that "For those who love and feel they owe undivided loyalty to this country, we will welcome them as Malayans. They must truly be Malayans, and they will have the same rights and privileges as the Malays."
"The Malays, through umno, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States. In return for this major concession. the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities."
"Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do - since we are speaking on racial lines - what did the Malay leadership do? The had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship?
If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon , is not welcomed in Burma . Look at my brother Chinnese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand , in Vietnam , in Cambodia , in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma , as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, "We shall tkae them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens." And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinnese, Ceylonese and others became citizens...
As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here."